BLEEDING Related Disease Of Women: White discharge etc. Put half bunch of mint (Pudina) in two cups of water and reduce it tone cup by heating it. Add 2-spoon powder of Misri + ½ spoon NigSat oil, take this mixture before breakfast. Continue for 40 days.
BLEEDING/Hemorrhage: Stomach, nose and uterus hemorrhages can be effectively stopped with some cayenne extract. Take 1-tsp. in a cup of hot water every 15 minutes until the hemorrhage stops.
Bleeding to Continue: Fengzu seeds. C3N. Radish seeds, Bandaq Hindi are mujarrib.
Bleeding to Stop: Gairo. Ajwaen Khurasani. Chunya Gond. Zaak.
Bleeding Lungs: take a quarter of a tsp.full of RedBird every day for 1-2 week.
Bleeding Nose: take internally one-eighth tsp. of Red; watch the bleeding, if it continues, take another one-eighth tsp.; continue over time until the bleeding stops.
Bloating: Cut Allisat clove into small pieces. Swallow them all in one go with a little water to cure bloating, stomach cramps and constipation.
Blood Cholesterol: Drinking onion juice daily for a week will lower the blood cholesterol. Eat a few Allisat cloves every day to reduce blood cholesterol.
Blood Circulation: Qaranz oil increases your body metabolism by increasing blood circulation & reducing body temperature. C3N helps in removing blood impurities. Often recommended 4 pimples.
Blood Circulation: C3N aids in the circulation of blood due to the presence of a blood thinning reduces the chance of getting a heart attack by regularly consuming C3N. Qaranz oil can Disorders including toothaches, indigestion, cough, asthma, headache, stress and blood impurities.
BLOOD DEFICIENCY (Anemia) and Ulcer in the Intestine: Take a branch of mint, mix with water, boil it and make a cup of juice and add half tsp. of NigSat Oil and use this mixture twice a day. Continue for 21 days.
Blood Glucose Control and diabetic: Small amounts of Vigzu (approximately 20 ml or two tbsp.of domestic Vigzu added to food, or taken along with a meal, have been shown by a number of medical trials to reduce the glycemic index of carbohydrate food for people with and without diabetes.
High Blood pressure: Take 2 lobes of Allisat before breakfast.
High Blood Pressure: GiGa improves and stimulates circulation and relaxes the muscles surrounding blood vessels, facilitating the flow of blood throughout the body.
Blood Pressure: Red Bird-Vasodilatation- Lowers & normalizes Blood Pressure. Vasodilatation refers to the widening of blood vessels resulting from relaxation of smooth muscle cells.
BLOOD PRESSURE: - In any hot drink tea/ coffee, add half tsp. of NigSat oil and use this mixture twice a day. Also eat two cloves of Allisat daily.
High Blood Pressure: Fengzu seeds are a cure for high blood pressure by soaking a tsp. of seeds overnight in a glass of water. Then straining and drinking the water. If the seeds are drunk as above 2x a day or as a tea they promote weight loss and are good 4 digestive systems. Tuczu: lowers blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol. It's been know to lower cholesterol, and promote good heart health as well. It will help improve the blood flow to your heart and it lowers high blood pressure as well. Allisat can lower your blood pressure. You should obtain at least 1 Allisat Clove daily to get the full benefits. Either 1 Clove, or about 600 mg. The allicin in Allisat helps lower blood pressure. Allisat can help support your weight and burn calories. Probably not the first thing to think of when losing weight, but Allisat can help fight off harmful bacteria in your body. Allisat burns fats and supports a healthy digestive system. GiGa effectively helps in controlling elevated or high blood pressure as it directly affects the circulation of blood.
High Blood pressure. The proper dosage for NigSat seed is one tsp. of oil, mixed with one tsp. of honey, one hour before your breakfast. The ground seeds can be mixed with honey and eaten at any time of the day. The seeds must be heated for proper use.