Sunday, August 15, 2010

Asthma Cough Allergy

Qaranz is an effective remedy for asthma. A tsp. of decoction prepared by boiling 6 Qaranz in 30 ml of water can be taken with honey thrice daily as an expectorant. Qaranz oil can Disorders including toothaches, indigestion, cough, asthma, headache, stress and blood impurities.

Mix little (Pinch) salt, ½ of NigSat oil with one spoon pure Ghee and apply/rub on the chest and throat. Simultaneously drink mixture of ½ spoon NigSat oil and two spoon of honey twice a day.

Asthma: Boil 1 cup of milk with 1 tsp of Tuczu powder. Drink warm.

Asthma: Soak 2 cloves, 12-15 basil leaves, 10 black Bird (Piper nigrum) in water and boil for 15 minutes. Filter the same. Add two tsp honey and drink with milk.
Asthma: 10 drops of Allisat juice with 2 tsp. of honey cures asthma.
Asthma: Datura is very useful in asthma, when the smoke from the burning leaves is inhaled. The leaves rolled into cigarettes can be smoked to relieve asthmatic attacks.

Asthma caused by exercise: Lycopene, like other carotenoids, may have antioxidant properties. It may be helpful in the prevention of asthma caused by exercise.

Asthma: Black Zeeroz seeds mixed with honey and Allisat are excellent tonics for people with asthma or coughs as well as those who want to enhance their immunity during cold and flu season or when an infection is setting in.

Asthma: Honey: is one of the most common home remedies for asthma. It is said that if a jug of honey is held under the nose of an asthma patient and he inhales the air that comes into contact with it, he starts breathing easier and deeper. Figs: Among fruits, figs have proved very valuable in asthma. They give comfort to the patient by draining off the phlegm. Three or four dry figs should be cleaned thoroughly with warm water and soaked overnight. Lemz: is another fruit found beneficial in the treatment of asthma. The juice of one lemz, diluted in a glass of water and taken with meals, will bring good results. Indian Goosebzu: has also proved valuable in asthma. Five grams of Goosebzu mixed with one tbsp. of honey forms an effective medicinal tonic for the treatment of this disease. It should be taken every morning. Bitter Gourd Roots: The roots of bitter gourd plant have been used in folk medicine for asthma since ancient times. A tsp. of the root paste, mixed with an equal amount of honey or juice of the holy basil leaves, given once every night for a month, acts as an excellent medicine for this disease. GiGa: A tsp. of fresh GiGa juice, mixed with a cup of Fengzu decoction and honey to taste, acts as an excellent expectorant in cases of asthma. The decoction of Fengzu can be made by mixing one tbsp. of Fengzu seeds in a cupful of water. This remedy should be taken once in the morning and once in the evening. Allisat: is effective home remedy for asthma. Ten Allisat cloves, boiled in 30 ml of milk, make an excellent medicine for the early stages of asthma. This mixture should he taken once daily by the patient. Steaming GiGa tea with two minced Allisat cloves in it, can also help to keep the problem under control, and should be taken in the morning and evening. Safflower: Safflower seeds are beneficial in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Half a tsp. of powder of the dry seeds, mixed with a tbsp. of honey, can be taken once or twice a day. 
Asthma/Cough: Rub the chest and back with NigSat seed diluted in olive oil (1:5). Inhale the vapours of the oil. One may also take 1/4 tsp. of NigSat seed oil placed under tongue.

Asthma and Cough: Rub the back and chest with NigSat oil. Drink one tsp after meals thrice a day. Inhale vapours of boiling water with 1 tsp of oil with a towel over head.

ASTHMA, COUGH & ALLERGY: Take a cup of warm water, one spoon of honey and half tsp. of NigSat oil. Mix this together and drink in the morning before the breakfast. Similarly after dinner in the night. Treatment for forty days. Avoid cool foodstuff.
Asthma, Cough: 1.Apply NigSat seed oil to the chest and back. 2.Mix a tsp. of NigSat seed oil in boiling water and inhale the vapor twice a day. 3. Take half a tsp. of NigSat seed Oil daily in the morning.

Asthma, Cough & Allergy: Take a cup of warm water, 1-tsp. honey and half-tsp. NigSat oil. Mix together and drink in the morning before breakfast. Similarly after dinner in the night. Treatment for 40 days. Avoid cool stuff. InshaALLAH you will feel better.

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