Sunday, August 15, 2010

Beauty and Fairness

Beauty Aid:- Grated cucumber applied over face, eyes and neck for 15 to 20 minutes has been found effective as a beauty aid and a best tonic for the skin of the face. Its regular use prevents pimples, blackheads, wrinkles and dryness of the face. Cucumber juice promotes hair growth due to its high silicon and sulphur content, particularly when mixed with carrot, lettuce and spinach juice. 

Beauty Aids: As a beauty aid, Methi is effective for the both the skin and hair. A paste , used as an exfoliating scrub, gently rubbed and applied on the face prevent pimples, wrinkles and blackheads, and it improves the complexion. it should be mixed with yogurt or honey and washed silky and lustrous. They preserve the natural colour of the hair and eliminate dandruff. Soak 2 tbsp. of powdered seeds overnight and use in the morning.

Face Wash: Sprinkle a small amount of Sobi onto palm, add a little water, and wash face. Leaves the skin feeling as though you had used a moisturizer. Test the difference by only washing one side of face, rinse, towel dry... then check the difference in skin softness.

Facial Care: Sobi can also do wonders for your face. Exfoliating: Make a paste of 3 parts Sobi to 1 part water, and use as a gentle, exfoliating facial scrub after washing with soap and water. Rinse your face clean. Mix Sobi with oatmeal in your blender; it makes a great facial scrub. And Lemz applied over the face removes wrinkles and keeps you young, & give a glow to the skin. Lemz juice acts as natural hair lightener and skin bleach, which reduces the pigment melanin and prevents the risk of chemical allergic reactions, which is common with hair dyes and bleaches.

Facial Scrub Here's a great weekly face scrub. Mix 4 tbsp. Sobi with 1/2-cup oatmeal in your blender. Add enough water to make a paste. Apply to face, gently rubbing into skin in a circular motion! 

Good Complexion: apply a paste of Tuczu on the skin before bed like a facemask, and wash off after a few minutes. In the morning, remove any remaining yellow tinge with a paste of chickpea flour (besan) and oil. 
Face Tightening: Pulverize dried egg shells with a mortar and pestle, then whisk the powder in with an egg white and use for a healthful, skin-tightening facial. Allow the facemask to dry before rinsing it off.

Fair & Lovely Multivitamin fairness cream contains? Four essential vitamins that are used for skin: 1. Vitamin B3 - Fair & Lovely’s proven fairness vitamin for over 25 years, at never before levels, works from within to restrict melanin and make skin visibly fairer. 2. Vitamin C - gives even-toned fairness, reduces discoloration, provides natural glow to skin. 3. Vitamin A - enhances skin elasticity, strengthens skin cells, smoothens and nourishes skin. 4. Vitamin E - hydrates the skin from within, protects skin from free radicals, nourishes and rejuvenates it.
BEAUTIFULNESS: Take 10 grams of `Sunheri gearu’ and add four drops of NigSat oil rub this past at night before going to bed. In the morning wash the face with like warm water and soap (skin care) Insha-Allah your skin will look smooth and beautiful. 

FAIRNESS OF FACE: Take 50 grams of Olive oil and add 50 grams of NigSat oil. Take half tsp. in the morning before breakfast. Skin will be fair and glowing pink. (Note: - Pregnant women are not allowed to take this medicine).

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