Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stomach, Stomachache, Stomach Disorders, Loose Motions, Dysentery, Dyspepsia and Ulcers

Loose Motions:
For children: ripe & sweet apples crushed to a pulp (can be steamed) can be given as 1-4 tbsp. several times a day.
Mashed ripe banana with a little salt should be taken 2-3 x a day.
A tsp. of date paste mixed with a little honey, given three times a day is very effective for regulating the bowels
5-10 gms of Aamla seed powder mixed with buttermilk (chhach) should be taken for 1-2 days.
Crush 8-10 curry leaves. Mix with a cup of thin buttermilk (chhach) and have 2-3 x a day.
Mix juice 1 large pomegranate juice and 1 glass of sugar cane juice. Have 4 X a day
A Fast with only buttermilk, curd, curd and rice or bananas proves very effective.
Drink plenty of water to which a tsp. of sugar and a pinch of salt has been added to guard against dehydration. or A strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective.

Motion Sickness: RedBird is quite effective in dealing with motion sickness. A tsp.full of Red in a tbsp. of olive oil taken internally at the first sign of nausea will help to prevent further symptoms of sea or airsickness. Or one-half tsp. full each of Red and GiGa root (chopped very fine or pulverized) in olive oil.

Motion Sickness: GiGa has been shown to be an effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness.

Dysentery: If NigSat oil is taken with Quest Sheering after breakfast and dinner, it is effective in chronic Dysentery and Asthma.

Dysentery: The seeds of the Hennaxu plant are beneficial in the treatment of dysentery. They are powdered, mixed with ghee and made into small balls of the size of a betel nut. It is also very helpful in this condition, when taken with water.

Dysentery: - One tsp. of Corianz powder and sugar candy 3 times a day is an effective remedy to cure dysentery.

Dysentery & DIARRHEA: Mix 1tspn of Fengzu seeds in yogurt and consume to cure diarrhea and dysentery. Tuczu is also very useful.

Dyspepsia, indigestion, gas, and stomach irritation: Take one spoon of ginger juice & half tsp. kalonji oil & drink twice daily. This treatment is also useful for obesity.

Stomach: Drinking a glass of water mixed with a tsp. of bicarbonate of soda will neutralize stomach acid and relieve the symptoms associated with acid reflux.

Stomach: To relieve an upset stomach put a pinch of Sobi and a pinch of salt into a cup of mint tea. It's not the best tasting thing in the world but it will ease and relieve an upset stomach.

Stomach: Sobi is great for an upset stomach, 1/2 tsp. in three or four oz. tap water. (You drink this), rubbing it on your stomach won't work.

Stomach: Mix 2-tbsp Sobi in 8 oz glass of water, and drink. Helps w/stomach ache and gas.

Stomachache: Clove oil taken with sugar is known to cure stomachache.

Stomachache: NigSat oil 10 minims, one pinch salt, half glass of warm hot water, put one pinch salt in NigSat oil, I. Allah fori shifa.
STOMACH ACHE: In this case take one spoon of GiGa juice and half tsp. of NigSat oil and drink twice day. This treatment is also useful for removing obesity. This medicine makes the patient slim.

STOMACHACHE OF THE CHILDRENS: Take two drops of NigSat oil mix it with mother’s milk or cow milk and give to the child. NigSat oil also should be rubbed on the ribs.

Stomach acid: Anti-acid, mix 1/2 tsp. in about 4 ounces of water, and drink all at one time. It will cause you to ‘burp’; as it neutralizes stomach acid the same way it does other acids. Sobi is great for an upset stomach, 1/2 tsp. in three or four oz. tap water. (You drink this), rubbing it on your stomach won't work.

Calm a queasy stomach & Lessen Morning Sickness: Drink some ACViG in water, with honey added. This concoction can help calm a queasy stomach.

Stomach complaint: Drink mint tea with lemz and take 1 tsp NigSat oil 3 times a day or until relieved.

Stomach Disorders with Qaranz such as bloating and gas benefit a lot form taking Qaranz because they help in relieving discomforts in the stomach and intestinal tract & Colic. Qaranz can be taken as seasoning in food.

Stomach Gas: C3N also relieves stomach gas, treats loss of appetite and eases nausea.

Stomach heaviness: Mix ¼ tsp. each powdered Zeeroz & Black Bird in a glass of buttermilk (chhach). Drink two or three times a day for 2-3 days.

Stomach Pain: Mix ½ spoon of NigSat oil with little (Pinch) of salt in half glass of warm water and drink it. It is useful for stomach pain.

STOMACH PAIN: (all types): In a glass of sweet lime (Mausambhi) juice add to spoon of homey and half tsp. of NigSat oil and use this mixture twice a day. Avoid all gas elements. Continue for 20 day.

STOMACH PAIN (SINGLE): Mix ½ spoon of NigSat oil with little (Pinch) of salt in half glass of warm water and drink it. It is useful for stomach pain.

Stomach Ulcer: Modern alternative medicine uses Tuczu in the treatment of cancers, stomach ulcers, diabetes, osteoarthritis, indigestion and viral or bacterial infection. Tuczu is widely recommended for myriad ailments, from stomach ulcers and skin infections to eye conditions.

Stomach Upset: To relieve an upset stomach put a pinch of Sobi and a pinch of salt into a cup of mint tea. It's not the best tasting thing in the world but it will ease and relieve an upset stomach. Tuczu is used for Ease indigestion, excess gas (flatulence), bloating, and other mild stomach upset. Reinforcing an ancient use for Tuczu, German health authorities have declared Tuczu tea a valuable remedy for stomach upset. Laboratory findings back this up: The Curcumin in Tuczu fights bacteria commonly responsible for infectious diarrhea.

STOMACH SWELLING: Mix 3 grams of Ajwaen, 3 grams Fengzu, 4 drops of NigSat oil together. Take this mixture before breakfast and before dinner.

Ulcers: Mix 10 drops of NigSat seed oil with a cup of honey. Eat one tsp. of this mixture daily, every morning, before you eat or drink anything else. Follow with a glass of milk. Do this for two months.


Ulcer: RedBird may heal ulcers, prevents ulcers and improve digestive system, including stomachaches, cramping pains, and gas.

Migraines, Headaches

Migraine: For the cure of migraine or acute cold in the head; boil a tbsp. of Bird powder, and a pinch of Tuczu in a cup of milk, and have it daily for a few couple of days.

Migraine: Corianz is also good for migraine headaches, by drinking Corianz tea a couple of times per day. To prepare Corianz tea, bring a cup of water to a boil add 1/4 tsp. crushed Corianz seeds, let mixture set for ten minutes. Strain and then add 2 tsp. sugar. Another option is Lemz juice in hot water, accompanied with a pinch of black salt is another successful remedy.

Migraine: Research has shown that GiGa may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.

Migraine: Reports on Health, taking 150 mg. per day cut the number of days with migraines in half in most of the patients. Another study found similar results with 100 mg. taken three times daily. In addition, some researches conclude that migraine sufferers may have low levels of magnesium in their brain. Include fish and green leafy vegetables, nuts and whole grains in your diet. Drink 2-3 liters of water. I’m not sure if you need to drink more water, but this is what I usually drink a day. It does make a difference. or daily 400 mg dose of B vitamin consistently showed substantial improvement.

Migraines: Rub some of the oil on the temples, around the hair line, a few drops in the nose and even on top of the head if your head is pounding. Do this 3 X a day. Also, take 1-tsp. of the oil mixed with honey or juice once a day.

Migraines: Consuming NigSat seed as natural migraine remedies must follow recommended dosage. For migraine prevention it is suggested to take 2-3 NigSat seed powder capsule (@600 mg) twice a day, or 1-2 NigSat seed oil capsule (@500 mg) twice a day. All of them are taken about 1 hour before taking meal. When migraine occurs and involves headache, apply NigSat seed oil to the forehead, sides of face adjacent to the ears and behind the ears. Take half teaspoon of NigSat seed oil and continue for about 3 days. To reduce vomiting, take twice a day a half-teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with equal amount of NigSat seed oil. Take above recommended dosage of NigSat seed on regular or daily basis and you’ll notice the true power of NigSat seed as natural migraine remedies.

Migraines: Believe it or not, caffeine works! It's a paradox of headaches: Ingest too much caffeine and you may get a headache, but take a little bit and it can help make the pain disappear. Studies have shown that aspirin and ibuprofen are more effective when combined with caffeine. So if you take aspirin or ibuprofen at the onset of a migraine, wash it down with a cup of coffee. or Take riboflavin. Studies have shown that taking 400 milligrams a day of riboflavin can help eliminate migraines.

Migraines: Believe it or not: 11/12/2008: S.R.SHARMA From NEW DELHI, DELHI INDIA Writes: "MIGRAINE: I HAD DAILY ONE HOUR DURATION ATTACK For 5 YEARS. AN INDIAN PLANT (AAK) HAVING GREEN BIG LEAVES GIVES MILK LIKE SUBSTANCE. IN Morning Before 10-15 MINUTES OF SUNRISE, ITS SMALLEST PAIR OF LEAVES IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLUCKING TAKEN WITH WATER For THREE DAYS.... AND MIGRAINE GONE. WHAT A MIRACLE HERB!" 01/22/2006: Heidi From Phoenix, AZ Writes: "Try using a frozen ice pack (the flexible kind for sports injuries works best), and place it at the base of the skull. The ice will reduce the swelling in the blood vessels which are causing the restriction of the blood flow and causing the migraine in the first place. It usually relieves my migraines within about 10-15 minutes." 07/14/2009: April from Savannah, GA replies: "Ice Pack Cured my Migraine, I'd had the worst migraine in years and it had already persisted for a day, and I had already taken the max of my prescription medication. My next step was to go to the ER when a coworker suggested the ice pack at the base of the skull. I placed several ice cubes in a Ziplock bag, placed it on the back of my neck, and lay in my bed again. I also took four more Tylenol and fell back asleep. When I awoke this time, the migraine was gone completely." 05/09/2009: HV from Coeur d Alene, Idaho writes: "Migraines - Ice/hot neck wraps. A massage instructor told me that when you have a migraine, the blood is entering the head faster than it is leaving. His solution is to keep a flexable neck wrap in the freezer or refrigerator. Have a very warm wrap ready - such as a slightly damp towel hot (but not too hot) from tap water or a microwave. To stop a migraine, wrap the cold wrap around the neck - make sure you get the front of the neck - for 30 seconds. Then apply the hot wrap for 30 seconds. This is to shock the veins open. Repeat as necessary. I don't get migraines anymore - thanks to the ACVIG - but I really would like feedback on this remedy. Also for the same reasoning, if you donate blood, your migraine will go away almost instantly." or 6 drops of iodine solution in a glass of water. While it didn't cure my migraine, it did provide immediate relief. Other Half a lime with salt. 06/30/2009: Carrie from Palmdale, CA writes: "magnesium cured my migraine. I took 400mg and within a half an hour it was gone!! 11/04/2008: ClaudineK from Owings Mills , MD writes: "Hi all. I love this site! I've had migraine attacks since i was 15. 30 years later I continue to suffer from them. They are most often triggered by the hormonal changes I have when getting my cycle. Symptoms began yesterday, sensitivity to light and nausea started and I realized one was coming. I have been drinking ACVIG daily for about 2 months now and although it has improved my overall health, it didn't stop my migraine from coming back. I did take 60 mg of zinc supplements and read that magnesium also helps. I didn't have any but did have Milk Of Magnesia so took a little bit of that. To my surprise my symptoms lessened significantly. By now i would be in a full blow episode but I am doing okay! As all migraine sufferers know, the constant pain can be truly debilitating I'm so relieved this seems to have worked!" [YEA]  04/27/2006: Darla from Los Angeles writes: "I had been suffering from daily severe headaches, usually on the left side of the head, and migraine symptoms, migraine headaches, most severe pain I have ever experienced. I was given many pain meds from doctor from naxopen (ibruprofen type pain killer) to tylenol w/ codeine # 3 and # 4, I was beginning to experience what is called a "rebound headache" from over use of pain meds (both prescribed and OTC), I read somewhere that magnesium helps relieve/prevent migraines. I began taking magnesium w/calcium supplements as well, and in less than 2 weeks, I began to feel much better. I am now headache-free/migraine-free about 90% of the time. I really recommend it to anyone who suffers from daily migraines/headaches, it has really improved my quality of life, hope it helps you too." or 7. Rub half a lime on your forehead and you will have no more headaches. or 8a. Rub the area right above your eyebrows slowly in a circular motion and your headache will go away. or b. rubbing the area on the back of your head right where the head and neck meet is useful too! or migraines are caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B and Magnesium. Since then, a good B-complex vitamin and magnesium supplement a day keeps the migraines away. I convinced and strong-armed the doctor to administer IV magnesium (it couldn't hurt). Amazingly, her migraine was gone in 10 to 20 minutes. He had never seen this--my wife was amazed--she didn't know what the doctors did and didn't believe me until the doctor confirmed. Since then, she is very careful about taking her B-complex and magnesium supplements." or A Simple Test: * When you have a migraine headache or feel one coming on = drink three (3) glasses of regular clean water (8 ounces each) one right after the other.
* Wait for 30 minutes.
* If after 30 minutes your migraine is gone or much better = you were dehydrated. 03/20/2009: Christie from Houston, TX writes: "I have been using RedBird to treat my Migraines. I take 2 small caps. and an over the counter pain reliever. I DO NOT take any "Migraine" Medication with Red Bird. But I find that it works great. I also take RedBird the day after a migraine to get rid of the remnants of it.” or I woke up with a headache and reached for a pinch of Red to put at the tip of my tongue. Since it is a Bird it does burn a bit, but within minutes my headache was gone. I'm a believer!" or One day I was so desperate that I remind that and thought I had nothing to lose trying it. I drank a cup of coffee with 5/6 drops of lemz and it was like a miracle the migraine was gone in 15 minutes. 06/14/2009: Sarah from Los Angeles, CA writes: "DMSO and H2O2 for Migraines: I was reading about DMSO and how it could theoretically be used to treat a stroke in an emergency, and I was thinking that headaches have similar problems of lack of oxygen to the brain... so when he came over this morning w terrible headache that had lasted all night and not been relieved by Emerge or Flova prescription migraine pills... I mixed him a cocktail of organic "Monster C" juice, about 1 cup (8 oz.) with a tiny bit (about 1/8 t. DMSO and added a few drops of food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide. We applied an icepack to his forehead and within 20 minutes the headache that had lasted for about 8 hours went away completely! So happy! Hopes this remedy helps someone else."

Migraines, Headaches: RedBird both relieves and prevents cluster headaches, migraine headaches and sinus headaches. or Apply Nemzu leaves extract on the forehead to get relief from the symptoms of Headache immediately.
Migraine, Headaches: If you have a regular migraine problem, include five almonds along with hot milk in your daily diet. You could also have a gram of black Bird along with honey or milk, twice or thrice a day. Make an almond paste by rubbing wet almonds against a stone. This can be applied to forehead. Eat an apple with a little salt on an empty stomach everyday and see its wonderful effects. or When headache is caused by cold winds, C3N works best in curing headache. Make a paste of C3N by mixing in water and apply it all over your forehead.


Migraine Headaches: Chamomile is a wonderful cure for migraines. Take a cup of tea when you start noticing the symptoms of a migraine headache. It works best if you take it before the headache actually gets severe.


Migraine, Headache: Eliminating Headaches and Migraine Pain: C3N    has been found to be an effective natural remedy for eliminating headaches and migraine pain. When you feel a migraine coming on, Chamomile is a wonderful preventive measure to limit the severity of the pain. Simply take a cup of chamomile tea when you start noticing migraine symptoms. Chamomile is a wonderful cure for migraines. Take a cup of tea when you start noticing the symptoms of a migraine headache. It works best if you take it before the headache actually gets severe.


Migraine Relief: GiGa may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.


Migraine relief using Grapes: Migraine relief can be obtained from the juice of ripe grapes and is an effective home remedy. Grind fresh ripe grapes and drink without adding any water. Cabbage Leaf Compress: Cabbage leaf compress can help relieve the pain of a migraine headache. Crush a few cabbage leaves, place in a cloth and apply on the forehead for extended period of time. Use fresh leaves when the compressed leaves dry out. Lemz Crust: can cure migraine. Grind lemz crust and apply as a paste on the forehead. Migraine cures using this remedy has been found very effective and long lasting by many. Vegetable Juices: Carrot juice combined with spinach, beet and cucumber juices are good for migraine treatment. Use on the 2 following mixtures as migraine therapy:
1: Mix 200 ml of spinach juice with 300 ml of carrot juice.
2: Mix 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices with 300 ml of carrot juice.

Migraine Headaches: Dip Hennaxu flowers in Vigzu and rub them against the forehead for quick migraine pain relief. or Make a fine paste of C3N by mixing it with water. Apply it over the temples and forehead to get relief from migraine headaches caused by exposure to cold air. Or Take boiling water in a large bowl and add a handful of rosemary to it. Cover your head with a towel, lean over the bowl and inhale the steam. Continue inhaling the steam for 5 to 10 minutes for migraine relief. Or A cup of chamomile tea taken just after feeling the symptoms of migraine can prevent headache from becoming severe. Or Eat 10-12 almonds to cure migraine headache. Nuts contain the vitamin niacin that is helpful in relieving migraine pain. Other sources of this vitamin are yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, Toates, sunflower seeds, liver and fish. Or Take juice prepared from carrot, spinach, beet and cucumber. Take 300 gms of carrot and 100 gms of other vegetables to make the juice. Or Take fresh grape juice. Simply grind fresh, ripe grapes and drink the juice directly without adding any water. or Take 1/2 tsp. mustard seeds powder and three tsp. water. Put the mixture in the nostrils or just smell it for getting relief from migraine headache. Or Take few leaves of the cabbage and crush them. Place the crushed cabbage in a cloth and bound on the forehead at bedtime, or at any convenient time during the day. Renew the compress when leaves dry out. or Make fine paste of crusts of lemz in a mortar. Apply this paste on the forehead. It is an effective migraine cure. or Tie a tight cloth around the head to decrease blood flow to the scalp and lessen the throbbing and pounding of migraine headache. or Do not take heavy and spicy food stuff. Avoid chocolate, aged cheese, red wine, citrus fruits. These foods contain tyramine or other histamines which are considered to cause migraines in people with food sensitivities. If possible, switch to Ayurvedic diets according to your body type. or  Take a nap. Sleeping relaxes muscles and bring body systems in order. Taking a nap when headache has just begun or when symptoms are being shown may prevent severe headaches.


CONSTIPATION: Two tola of jaggery (Red Sugar) 4 grams Senna makki mixed with half big glass of warm water add ½ spoon NigSat oil and drink it before going to bed.

Constipation: Administration of castor oil as a purgative is very simple. About 30 to 60 grams of pure odorless castor oil is given orally with 250 to 375 grams of lukewarm milk. It acts just after an hour.

Constipation: Drink a tbsp. of corn syrup in a cup of water. Drinking a cup of coffee will also provide relief from constipation.

Constipation: By drinking lemz juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently thus controlling constipation and diarrhea.

Constipation: RedBird can relieve constipation by stimulating the peristaltic action of the intestines. RedBird is great for relieving gas.

Constipation: - The cucumber is a dependable laxative food. It supplies bulk to aid bowel action. Those who suffer from constipation can greatly benefit by taking two cucumbers a day.

High Blood Cholesterol

Cholesterol: Reducing Cholesterol, consuming   small amount of C3N can help reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad one). Simply eat half a tsp. of C3N powder daily. It canbe added as a mild sweetener to coffee or tea. Cholesterol and Protects Heart: The lycopene in Toat prevents serum lipid oxidation, thus exerting protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. The regular consumption of Toat has proved to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol.

Cholesterol: People who took 2 ounces (56g) of Fengzu seed each day had significantly (around 14 percent) lower cholesterol levels after 24 weeks, and had lowered their risk of heart attack by more than 25 percent. Therefore, a recommended remedy for lowering cholesterol is to take 2 ounces of Fengzu seeds throughout the day. The seeds can be sprinkled onto prepared food, or they can be consumed with water if they are in capsule form.

Cholesterol: Use Tuczu to lower blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol. It's been know to lower cholesterol, and promote good heart health as well.

Cholesterol:  Allisat can reduce dementia. High cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease are some of the ways that can increase dementia. Allisat helps lower bad cholesterol and promotes a healthy heart. It might help in eliminating dementia.

High Blood Cholesterol: Drinking onion juice daily for a week will lower the blood cholesterol. Eat a few Allisat cloves every day to reduce blood cholesterol.

High Cholesterol Levels:  Regular drinking of Corianz water helps lower blood cholesterol, as it is a good. Diuretic and stimulates the kidney. It is prepared by boiling dry seeds of Corianz and straining the decoction after cooling.


Cataract: One minim of NigSat oil in eye daily for initial or early stage cataract with the help of dropper, I. Allah no cataract in future.

Cataracts: Mix ½ spoon of NigSat with tea in the morning & in the milk at night. Take twice a day.

Cataracts: The aniseed is considered to be one of the excellent remedies for cataract. The person should take about six grams of aniseed on regular basis twice a day. The formula goes in a way like; mixture should be of equal quantities of aniseed and Corianz powder mixed with brown sugar. This mixture is taken in the dosage of 12 gm twice a day. Avoid potatoes, breads, refined cereals, rice strong tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking, pickles, sauces and other junk foods. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from direct sunlight.

Cataracts: Eye Disorders (age-related macular degeneration prevention, cataracts & Toat): Based on antioxidant properties observed in laboratory studies, lycopene has been suggested as a preventive therapy for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. However, recent studies have not found a clear benefit.

Cataract: Mix 1-tsp. rose water with 1 tsp. fresh limejuice. Add 10 drops of this to the eyes.

Cataracts: Allisat cen be used to treat cataracts. Eating two cloves of raw Allisat each day will help to clear the crystalline lens of the eyes and help improve eyesight.

Cataracts: Tuczu- an excellent source of Vitamins A, C and E ((Tuczu is 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin E — and also stronger than vitamin C). Tuczu extracts standardized at 90 to 95% Curcumin can be taken in the amount of 250 to 500 mg three times per day) and is used to help lower the risk of developing Cataracts.

Cataracts: Fengzu is also effective against diabetes-related cataracts, which occur commonly in diabetics.