Monday, September 13, 2010

Obesity, Overweight

Weight Loss: Okra is an ideal vegetable for weight loss and is storehouse of health benefits provided it is cooked over low flame to retain its properties. This also to ensure that the invaluable mucilage contained in it is not lost to high heat.

Weight Loss: incredible fact about Coconz oil is that even though it is a fat, it actually promotes weight loss!! The reason is again because of the healthy medium chain fatty acids.  Coconz oil is very useful in reducing weight. It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the thyroid and enzymes systems. Further, it increases the body metabolism by removing stress on pancreases; thereby burning out more energy and helping obese and overweight people reduce their weight. Hence, people living in tropical coastal areas, who eat Coconz oil daily as their primary cooking oil, are normally not fat, obese or overweight. It is recommended that people consume 2-4 tbsp. of Coconz-oil/day. A good therapeutic dosage is 3-4 tbsp. once a day. This provides enough lauric acid to build the immune system.

Weight Loss  & Coconz oil: 03/07/2009: Ashley from Kansas City, Kansas writes: "I took Coconz oil for weight loss for 2 to 3 months and I lost up to 20 pounds. I lost the first 12 pounds in the first 2 weeks of taking it. It works well for blood pressure too as well as hair growth." 11/12/08: Joyce from Chippewa Lake, Ohio writes: "I read about Coconz oil on Earth Clinic, for weight loss, and started trying it 3 months ago. I only take 1TBS a day, but in the beginning was taking 2 and 3 TBS. I have lost 20 pounds, without any trouble. It seems to have also cut my appetite. Every one notices the drop in my weight, and I feel so much better, and have more energy.

Weight Loss  & Warm water: Make sure you drink little warm water mixed with lemon squeeze also after your every dinner is enough. When we drink hot water, our metabolism accelerates, bco'z at little higher temperature our digestive enzymes work better. Proper digestion means there is no accumulation of fat. So, after lunch and dinner we can take 1 cup of warm water. After 10 mins you can take hot water just after the lunch/dinner or after 15-20 minutes gap, and   After a goodnight sleep our metabolism slows down. Warm water with honey and lemon removes toxins from our body and kicks tarts our metabolism.  If taken empty stomach in the morning it ensures proper digestion of food throughout the day, preventing storage of fat in the body. But people with joints pain should avoid taking lemon (especially empty stomach in the morning)!!

Weight Loss : 02/26/2008: Maliaka from Detroit, Michigan writes: "Fengzu tea helped me lose weightFengzu lowers blook pressure because it cuts fat cells. He informed me that we have fat on every cell in our bodies and that when you take Fengzu as a tea it cuts the fat on your cells, which is all of them, thus causing you to lose weight as well. i Put 1 teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half in a mug and microwave it or you can boil it in a pot and make a larger amount. The best way to take it is as a tea but if you can't stand the taste you can do as I do. I add a tea bag after I have brought the tea to a boil and add suger and lemon juice or u can do honey. It is best if done at least three times a day. However, I was trying to test it out and was only drinking one cup a day. I tried it last year and lost 25 pounds (at one cup a day). I stopped for a while and recently picked it back up and in one week lost an additional ten pounds. All of the weight loss I am speaking of was done just drinking the tea once a day and with no excercise. So imagine what it would do with excercise and a proper diet. I highly recommend it for both high blood pressure and weight loss. Do try it, it works. Good luck and definately give your feed back of how it does for you."

Weight Loss Tips: - For a man, give 106 pounds for the first 5 feet of height and an additional 6 pounds for each inch over 5 feet. For example, if you are 5 feet 10 inches, your body weight should be 106 plus 60, or 166 pounds. With the plus or minus 10 percent factor, the range is 149 to 183 pounds. for a woman, give 100 pounds for the first 5 feet of height and an additional 5 pounds for each inch over 5 feet. Subtract 5 pounds for each inch under 5 feet. For example, if you are 5 feet 6 inches, your body weight should be 100 plus 30, or 130 pounds. Eat six times a day: A slow metabolic rate cannot burn the fats stored in your body fast. Increase your metabolism by applying a trick for eating. Eat small meals six times a day instead of taking three heavy meals.  Eat more till the noon: Take most of the calories before noon because studies tell that the more you eat in the morning, the less you'll eat in the evening. Moreover, you will get more chances to burn off those early-day calories than late-night calories.  Eat slowly: It is observed that eating slowly makes people feel contented even with a small amount of food. Inculcate this habit. Enjoy every bite of food and get slimmer.
Comparing walking to running, walking burns a better fat to muscle ratio. For example, if you run for 30 minutes, you might burn 300 calories. Out of those 300 calories, 35% of that might be fat and the other 65% might be muscle. On the other hand, if you walk for 30 minutes, you might only burn 150 calories, but 85% of that will be fat and 15% of that will be muscle.

Weight Loss: The recipe for this alleged miraculous weight loss aid is very simple. Combine one-tsp. honey with one-half tsp. C3N powder and boil in one cup of water. After the mixture has boiled, filter it into another cup. Divide the mixture into two half-cup quantities to be consumed one-half hour before breakfast and one-half hour before going to sleep at night. Some proponents recommend adding raw honey after the water has boiled to retain nutrients and thus the benefits.

Weight Loss: A Capsule of RedBird can burn as many calories as 80 minutes of walking or a 25-minute jog, but take note that their idea of an 80-minute walk to burn 278 calories was based on a staggeringly slow pace of 30 minutes per mile (the average person walks a mile in 15 to 20 minutes). It is believed to be a thermogenic chemical that eliminates fat cells and slows the growth of new fat cells. Capsaicin can burn extra calories in a way similar to exercise A Capsule may be taken once a day 30-60 minutes before exercise with a glass of water. If you have to loose more than 14 lbs. to lose, you can expect to lose up to 6 lbs. in the first week, reducing to 2-3 lbs.Weight Loss:  Eat The biggest Meal during the Day The best time to take a gig meal is either in the early in the day (breakfast) or at noon. Make lunch light and dinner, the lightest. Dont munch between meals and if you can, skip supper.
 Do not eat immediately and do not take cold drinks as this will upset and slow down the metabolism, defeating gain from the exercise. Drink warm water or hot herbal tea instead. If you have eaten too much, try these recipes to aid indigestion:
· Corianz and Fennel Roast 1 teaspoon of Corianz seeds and 1 tsp of fennel seeds on a nonstick pan without any oil. Stir to avoid them from being burnt. Add a pinch of salt and let it cool before eating the seeds.
· Lemz Juice and Sobi
Drink a cup of water mixed with half a cup of lemon juice. Before drinking, add a pinch of baking soda, stir briskly and drink at once.

WEIGHT LOSS: Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and C3N powder boiled in one cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet. 05/11/2008: Brandy writes "C3N & Honey Remedy for Weight Loss: My husband was 240 pounds two weeks ago and since starting to take the honey and C3N tea in the morning and at night and now he has lost at least 15 pounds and he hasn't even started working out yet.” A formula. C3N and Honey formula for weight loss: This should be prepared at night before going to bed.
1. Use 1 part C3N to 2 parts raw honey. 1/2 tsp C3N to 1 tsp honey is recommended but can use more or less as long as in the ratio of 1 to 2. --- so 1 tsp C3N to 2 tsp raw honey is ok too as an example.
2. Boil 1 cup... 8 oz of water.
3. Pour water over C3N and cover and let it steep for 1/2 hour.
4. Add honey now that it has cooled. Never add honey when it is hot as the heat will destroy the enzymes and other nutrients in the raw-honey.
5. Drink 1/2 of this directly before going to bed. The other 1/2 should be covered and refrigerated.
6. In the morning drink the other half that you refrigerated… But do not re-heat it...drink it cold or at room temp only. Do not add anything else to this recipe. No Lemz, no lime, no vinegar. It is not necessary to drink it more time in a is only effective on an empty stomach and primarily at night. This works for most people. Inches are lost before any measurement on the scales. Then you will most likely have the weight loss slow down. Additionally people report increased energy, more sex drive, and feeling happier/mood enhancer."

Weight Loss: Acupressure and Japanese finger pressure method can be vital role against the war with extra weight Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension, and promote the circulation of blood and the body's life force energy (Qi) to promote health and healing. Using the same points as Acupuncture
The most commonly used pressure points for weight loss are appetite control point (located behind the ears), Sp 6, Sp 9, St 36, liver Lv 3 and large intestine 11 or Li 11. The appetite control point is located behind the ear, just at the point, where the lobes connect with the ear. Stimulation of this point helps to control hunger, and hence, overeating. The next important point is the spleen 6, which is located on the inside of the ankle; about four finger width above the anklebone. This point is believed to regulate water metabolism, stimulate digestion, aid absorption of nutrients and help the body to relax.
By means of Japanese acupressure, the finger pressure method as weight loss tips, you can reduce up to seven pounds a week. Start on the ring-finger side of the little finger and massage with your right hand toward the outside of the little for 10 seconds.
Massage the point two-finger widths below the knuckle at the base of the index finger and half a finger width toward the thumb if your appetite increases due to stress. Massage the point on both hands with your thumb. This one of the weight loss tips can help you a lot in reducing your hunger.
Massage the point halfway between your navel and breastbone in a circular motion for 10 seconds with your thumb if you get a hollow, hungry feeling at the pit of your stomach. The hunger pangs should subside right way with this particular one of the weight loss tips.
Finger pressure is the final breakthrough in weight loss. Finally, you can shed the weight you want to use a fast, simple and healthy methods of weight loss tips.
Start the day with a cup of hot water with lemon juice.
Dry skin brush every morning before you shower-always toward the heart and clockwise over the abdomen.

Weight Loss: 1- tbsp. of whole Zeeroz would provide 23 kilocalories out of which it has 1 g fat, 3 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein and 1 g fiber. Consume warm water. Warm water does not allow fat deposits at your body. It also protects you from heart attacks and other ailments. Japanese and Chinese people enjoy their tea during their lunch or tea. They don’t prefer cold water.

Weight Loss: Lipolytic- People who are fed up of trying all possible methods to lose fat need to pay an attention over this property of Corianz Oil. It promotes lipolysis, which means hydrolysis of lipids and which in turn means hydrolysis or breaking down of fats and cholesterol. The faster the lipolysis, the faster you get slim and lose weight. The best part of it is that you need not go for a liposuction, which has terrible adverse effects on health as well as costs a fortune.
Corianz seed oil: Cover the powdered seed with good quality oil, mix well and add more oil to cover with a depth of 3 cms. Shake daily for 10 days and strain well.  Corianz oil is very useful in flatulent colic, rheumatism, neuralgia etc. Recommended dose is from 1 to 4 minims on sugar or in emulsion. Dosage: 
Infusion: Steep 2 tsp. Dried seeds in 1-cup water. Take 1 cup a day.
Powder: Take 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. at a time..

Weight Loss: common mistakes dieters make: With many people being on a diet, it is a little worrying why the success rate is so low! After analyzing many cases, it was seen that there are some concepts that may be going wrong, leading to disappointment in weight loss.

Starving during the day and eating the one and only meal at night: Though this may sound repetitive but it is so vital to weight loss and so frequently ignored, that one is forced to remind this mantra daily.
Eating sprouts on a day when you are also eating cooked food : The combination of sprouts and regular cooked food is very fattening.
Drinking juices (very fattening) and coconut water (good for kidney not so good when trying to knock off flab).
Eating plenty of ketchup pickles.
Eating too many of the diet foods like diet chocolate, diet fizzy drinks, diet cookies (heavy on fat and loaded with aspartame which in high doses also prevents weight loss).
Eating too many carbs: Often repeated but true because some people with carbs sensitive profile do not lose weight on too much carbs despite a low calorie diet.
Drinking mega-doses of milk and consuming lot of dairy in the form of curd, paneer, cheese:  As too much of dairy makes the elimination system sluggish, a sensible amount of dairy suits some people but not all blood groups.
Drinking tea/ coffee more than 8 cups a day: Creates toxins within the system, which stagnates weight loss.
Drinking soup at night does not suit women as it promotes water retention and increases weight.
Eating dals at night: Too heavy to digest and stays as calories.

And here are a few more...
A lot of people consider dals as proteins whereas most dals have only 30% protein so their protein content is 1/3 that of egg and dals have 65-70% carbs (so a lot of dals can add to your carbs too).

Doing fad diets like only vegetables and fruits for 7 days will  always lead to rebound weight gain.
Worrying endlessly:  Sounds strange but true, the more you fret about weight loss the less likely it is going to fall, so cheer up, go slow and 1 year of consistent weight loss is far better than a lifetime of dieting!

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