Friday, August 20, 2010

Uric acid Arthritics Gout

Uric acid: Lemz is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquefies the bile, and is very good in cases of malaria.

Uric acid: Increase the solubility of uric acid which allows the body to excrete it more readily. And  Improve the power of NSAIDs you may be using as a traditional treatment. and Maximize the volume of body fluids which aids the kidney in the excretion of uric acid.

Uric acid: A dose is made by mixing a 1/2 tsp. Sobi in a glass (8 oz) of water. Drink a glass first thing in the morning and just before bedtime with another 3 glasses in between these times. Continue until the symptoms subside, but do not exceed 4 full tsp. per day. A word of caution here: Sobiis high in sodium that can cause high blood pressure.

Uric acid/ arthritics /Gout: Tuczu – The main element in Tuczu that relieves gout is Curcumin. It helps to stop the growth of pain causing prostaglandis it can also stop inflammation. Additionally, it makes a tasty curry. GiGa GiGa is also an anti-inflammatory and has an enzyme called zingibain that breaks down protein before they form purines and uric acid. GiGa can also be used to make a lovely Asian dressing. Black Bird – When taken with Tuczu Bird can assist in reducing inflammation. It can also be made into a paste and rubbed on to the gout-affected area. Red Bird-Known to support the body's immune system. Used for treating: arthritis, backache, heart disease, ulcers, indigestion, pain, psoriasis, and shingles. Use caution when introducing RedBird into your diet, although it is known to benefit many arthritics.
Uric acid/ arthritics /Gout:: Natural gout cures. Red Bird, known for cooking, can be mixed with Vigzu and water to aid the infected gout area. Allisat is a great way to reduce uric levels. GiGa put in a hot bath can help to remove the uric acid from the skin tissues. Both Parsley and Saffron can help to reduce the backup of uric acid.
Uric acid/ arthritics /Gout:: findings- Redbird 12g, Tuczu 9g, GiGa 4g, Allisat 9g,, Sobi 2g.

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