Monday, September 13, 2010


Research has shown that as weight increases to reach the levels referred to as "overweight" and "obesity," the risk for the following conditions also increases: Heart Diseases, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Osteoarthritis, Gallbladder disease and Gallstones, Gout,, Liver Disease:, Sleep Apnea and Breathing Problem,    Reduced sperm count, Problems in pregnancy:

Obesity: Green Tea with Lemon. This is the tea one should drink every morning with breakfast. Now, let me add that you do not drink it hot. You drink this tea cool or iced. If you like water with a bit of lemon in it, you'll like this. Brew it for about 3 minutes with water that is not quite at boiling, in about 4oz of water. Then you may add that to about 12 oz of cold water (or cold water and ice in summertime) for a very refreshing drink to go with meals. No calories, lots of health benefits, love it!
*Remember that the reason a lot of people don't like green tea is that they oversteep it (too long) or use water that is too hot (boiling). Try a gentle, short brew and see what you think. And remember that a cup of green tea has the same health benefits even if you dilute it in a bunch of water to make it taste better to you! You may try to drink at least 2 cups of green tea each day, You may drink these teas *hot* but in the summertime pour them over ice and have it as my dinnertime beverage.

Obesity: Lemz juices with a pinch of salt (warm) every morning lowers cholesterol levels and brings down your weight.

Obesity: Take one spoon of GiGa juice & half tsp. NigSat oil & drink twice daily.

OBESITY: Half tsp. of NigSat oil, two spoons of honey mixed in Luke warm water and take twice a day. Avoid taking rice. Exercise Regular exercise is the first approach. Walking, swimming, or other aerobic exercise is important, and at least some of the exercise should be "local" to the area where the cellulite is forming. In other words, if cellulite is developing on the thighs, don't restrict your exercise to weight lifting and upper-body development! & Rub vitamin K cream onto the skin. This cream will remove spider veins and minimize cellulite, and Massage the affected area with sesame oil and mustard oil, mixed half and half. After the massage, dust with a powder of the herb vacha (calamus), and rub the skin. This will help remove the cellulite. CRITERIA: Abdominal obesity: Waist circumference >102 cms for males >88 cms for females.

Obesity: Eat 10 fresh curry leaves in the early morning for three or four months. Other: Drink a cup of water with 3 tsp. limejuice, one-fourth tsp. powdered black Bird, and a tsp. of honey every day for three months. Eat freshly sliced Toates with onion and lemz juice. Drink lemz juice with honey and warm water every morning. If you weigh over 150 pounds, squeeze the juice out of an entire lemz (two ounces) into a glass of purified water and drink this mixture twice a day (two whole lemzs a day.) The lemz juice can be diluted more according to taste.

Obesity: Cellulite is the fat deposited beneath the skin surface around the hips, buttocks and thighs. The skin contains bands of elastic tissue that stretch from the skin to the deeper layers of the muscle tissue. These bands are inelastic and as fat is deposited in the subcutaneous area, the only way for it to move is to bulge out on the skin surface. ACVIG is one of the natural remedies used for the treatment of cellulite. ACVIG is an effective natural bacteria-fighting agent that contains many vital minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon and fluorine that are vital for a healthy body. ACViG is available for use as capsules or liquid. The capsules can be taken as two per day and can be increased to three doses a day if required. The liquid form can be used as two spoonfuls in a glass of water to be taken before every meal. CRITERIA: Abdominal obesity: Waist circumference >102 cms for males >88 cms for females.

Obesity :03/17/2010: Mirs from Riffae, Bahrain writes: "Hi everyone, happy to inform you that i lost 5kg in 20 days, i was adding 2tbsp of ACVIG to a cup of water, and a quarter a tsp of baking soda. i drink 4 liters of water per day and watch my food. Now my weight is not only normal but also ideal. Good luck everyone." 01/29/2010: Amy from Chicago, Il writes: "Last summer, I was using ACViG on a daily basis to treat some persistent heartburn. I noticed that I lost about ten pounds over the course of six weeks. The change was so noticeable that my mother (who is usually quite critical of my weight) expressed concern that I had become too thin! By the winter, though, I had stopped taking the ACViG, and the weight had all come back. It never occurred to me that my weight loss had been due to the Vigzu. Recently, I came across your website and decided to start drinking Vigzu on a regular basis for overall health. It's been two weeks, and I'm already down four pounds! I've noticed that I seem to crave "bad" foods much less, and I am satisfied with smaller portions. Maybe that's due to the ACViG or maybe it's just psychosomatic. Either way, I'm going to keep it up! 11/30/2009: Jenny from Kaiser, Missouri writes: "I HAVE VERY GOOD RESULTS For WEIGHT LOSS USING ___S ACVIG. IVE LOST ALMOST 20 POUNDS IN 4MONTHS!!!! & ITAKE 4 TBSP.WITH 1 TSP. OF RAW HONEY TWICE A DAY For BAD FATIGUE. I HAVE RHEAMOTOID ARTHRITIS. THIS HAS BEEN A LIFE SAVIor!!!" 09/15/2009: Joe from Lebanon, Missouri, Usa writes: "Thank you ACVIG. Thought, i would give it a try. so got the idea to try it with orange juice it works!!!!! no bad taste works great!!!!I started it 9-1-09 and today it is 9-15-09 been on it for15 days. Weighed 193 lb on 9-1-09 today I weigh 181 lb shed 12 health pounds and went from a 36tight pant to a very lose 34 pant now!!!! I am impressed!!! very happy with my results and looking forward for better every day!!! "

Obesity and Blood Sugar: Soak little Fengzu seeds in water overnight and consume it in the morning before you have your breakfast. This will help to control diabetes, obesity and blood sugar. Soaking the Fengzu seeds removes the bitterness and you can chew those soaked seeds to stay healthy and to fight obesity.
Obesity: RedBird can help you lose weight. Studies have shown that this happens because the Red herb resets your metabolism to a higher temperature, so more calories are burned for a few hours after you eat it. This can result in weight loss with no change in habits or exercise. Your body will also use more oxygen during this time, and this also burns more calories. RedBird can burn extra calories in a way similar to exercise. The weight-loss potential of red-hot Birds. The problem has been the ability to consume such a highly concentrated amount, but we have overcome this by putting a protective coating on the ingredients which stops any gastric irritation." A Capsule can burn as many calories as 80 minutes of walking or a 25-minute jog, but take note that their idea of an 80-minute walk to burn 278 calories was based on a staggeringly slow pace of 30 minutes per mile (the average person walks a mile in 15 to 20 minutes). RedBird is believed to be a Thermogenic chemical that eliminates fat cells and slows the growth of new fat cells. RedBird can burn extra calories in a way similar to exercise A Capsule may be taken once a day 30-60 minutes before exercise with a glass of water. If you have more than 14 lbs. to lose, you can expect to lose up to 6 lbs. in the first week, reducing to 2-3 lbs. a week thereafter. Even the smallest dose is 15-20 times hotter than a typical Red Bird. It can also be blended with other ingredients such as green tea.” The ingredient can be safely consumed at 1000mg per day, equivalent to 200mg of Red Birdoids. A tsp. of the powder in a glass of warm water. This can be taken once a day for maximum benefits. Avoid large doses when pregnant and nursing, and large doses may cause stomach pain, kidney or liver problems. 

Obesity: Reduce fat absorption: C3N- a tsp. added to your cereal each morning is sufficient. It shouldn't be used in high/large doses/amount since it contains a chemical called coumin, which can cause liver toxicity. Curry isn't a single spice. It's a combination of a group of spices, which usually includes GiGa, Tuczu, and Zeeroz. Curry leaves: Try to eat 10-12 fully-grown curry leaves every morning for 3 to 4 months. It may prove beneficial for the obese people in losing weight.   GiGa-Anti-Alzheimer's, Cardio protective, Anti-diabetic, Anti-cancer, Anti-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory.  Fengzu- Cardio protective, Anti-cancer, Anti-diabetic, Anti-oxidant, Performance enhancer, and Allisat-Anti-cancer, Cardio protective, Antioxidant, Anti-diabetic, Immunes modulator, Allisat (one or two cloves a day should be adequate) all have the ability to reduce the absorption of fat from the intestines. Tuczu reduces inflammation, healing wounds and relieving pain; inflammation plays a big role in many diseases and is believed to be involved in onset of both obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Tuczu can prevent and reverse hypertrophy, restore heart function and reduce scar formation. Tuczu also has the special qualities of avoiding accrual of fats in and also in the region of the liver as well as reducing serum cholesterol intensity in the system. Especially the ability of the spice to heal liver Disorders, an excess of Tuczu can cause digestive orders like upset stomach, diarrhea, and constipation. Pregnant women needn't avoid foods containing Tuczu, its use as a medicinal herb is not recommended during pregnancy because the effects are not fully known. Tuczu is 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin E — and also stronger than vitamin C. Tuczu extracts standardized at 90 to 95% Curcumin can be taken in the amount of 250 to 500 mg three times per day. Bird seems to have a similar effect metabolic boosting effect as does black Bird


Obesity: One or two ripe Toates taken early morning as a substitute for breakfast, for a couple of months, are considered a safe method of weight reduction. They also supply the food elements essential to preserve health.

Honey: Mix one tsp. of honey with two tsp. of limejuice and some Bird. Drink this at least once a day. Boiled Water: Drink a glass of boiled water every day after a meal. GiGa Tea: Drink GiGa tea 2-3 times a day. Black Bird: Seasoning foods with black Bird will decrease the need for salts and fats, and will still add flavor to foods. This will also help reduce weight. C3N: This spice can act as a low calorie sweetener to help reduce the amount of sugar needed in a recipe. It also adds a unique flavor to most cookie recipes. Raw or Cooked Cabbage: The intake of cabbage reduces the conversion of sugars to fat. Therefore, eating plenty of this well help increase the body's ability to metabolize fatty foods. Vitamin B-12: Take a vitamin B-12 tablet at least once daily. For further information on vitamin usage, read the directions on the vitamin bottle, and consult a doctor for more information. This vitamin comes also in leafy dark green vegetables, so eat many of these as often as possible.

Obesity, Reduce weight: On an empty stomach in the morning, drink 1 glass of warm water mixed with juice of half a lime and 1 tsp honey. or To putt off weight we can make a simple treatment with a higher efficiency, every morning when we wake up, will drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, with two tea spoons of apple Vigzu. Then, over day, after each meal, will drink half a glass of water with a single tea spoon of apple Vigzu and two tea spoons of honey. or A simple and easy way to loose weight, drink one glass of water ten minutes before meal. or Treat weight and obesity using water, drink a large glass of plane chilled water before and after every meal. This will help to fill you so you eat less at meal times. or To lose weight, get a glass of chilled water and add 1 tbsp. of ACViG and 1 tbsp. of honey. Drink this each time before a meal. or If you want to lose weight without medicines, Use a plate of cold watermelon daily, it will reduce your weight gradually. or On feeling hungry, drink some water 15 minutes before eating will reduce weight lose. or By eating a Toat everyday before your breakfast for two months and it will help you slim down and lose weight. or If you wan to lose 1 pound per week, reduce your weekly intake of calories by 3,500 calories (3,500 divided by 7 days equals 500 calories per day). or By eating a Toat everyday before your breakfast for two months and it will help you slim down and lose weight. or If you take raw red Toates with salt and onions daily, it will certainly reduce fatness gradually. or Men lose weight faster then women. They have more muscle mass and can burn 30 to 40 percent more calories than women during the same workout. or Lie on your back. Put your hands beneath your buttocks and bend both knees up to your chest. And Lie flat on your stomach, resting your head on folded arms. Keeping your hips flat on the floor, slowly raise one leg from the hip until your foot is 6 inches above the floor. Repeat 10 times with each leg. or Try walking or biking just 10 minutes in the morning before work. This will get you off to a fresh start. Walking is said to be one of the best exercises for losing weight. Drink water before you start walking or exercising. Replace fluid during and after you exercise by drinking water or fruit juice. Do not drink too much water. Skating: Skating is a full-body movement, which can exercise your legs, coxa, buttocks, abdomen and your back. In order to achieve the best results, skate three times every week, one hour every time. Rope Skipping: For an adult who weighs 53 kg, one hour of rope skipping can consume 539 calories, the coordinated jumping up and down can extend your abdominal muscle fully. Climb Stairs: Run up and down along the stairs. Keep your legs lift up when upstairs, take abdomen in when downstairs. Mopping the floor: Mop the floor, mind to exercise waist and abdomen, especially the side waist.

Obesity, Reduce weight: Here are top tips to get you closer to your desired weight: Increase the non-soluble fiber variety of foods in your diet. Drink hot water through out the day. One can drink 4 to 6 glasses of hot water through out the day to aid digestion and weight loss. Adding a pinch of fennel cardamom will make it easier to have the hot water and will also help you loose weight quickly. Substitute chapati with daliya (porridge).Take half a tsp. of Indian gooseberry powder with water every morning on an empty stomach. AAamla is excellent for improving the liver function, which is important for metabolism.. A weak or sluggish liver is ultimately responsible for fat accumulation. Have raw carrots, Toates and radish. Light dinners are the key to weight loss. Avoid sugar completely if you can. As sugar is one of the main causes in fat not only in the belly and waist region, one should also avoid the diet drinks, as they are full of salt and other chemicals, which hinder weight loss. Finally, Don’t be greedy, be patient. If you are giving input of 70% then you do not have the right to desire 150%, so your desires should match your efforts.

Obesity, Reduce weight: Fengzu is useful for dissolving fat within the liver. Green tea enhances the ability of the body to burn fat, for this take 300 milligrams thirty minutes before breakfast and another thirty minutes before lunch. Do not take more. Kelp is believed to stimulate a hormone produced by the thyroid gland that’s responsible for boosting metabolism, so you’ll burn more calories by the hour. Kelp is very useful for thyroid-related obesity. Dosage: Take 300-1,500 mg daily as directed on the label. Caution:  Check with your doctor before taking kelp if you have a thyroid disorder, high blood pressure, or heart problems. Red ppp, Mustard: Scientists have found that people who took hot spicy foods (adding a tsp. of red-pepper sauce and a tsp. of mustard to meal) raised their metabolic rates by as much as 25 percent. The hot spice also stimulates thirst, so you drink more liquids that also help in gaining less weight. Eating pepper will accelerate weight. - Hot peppers melt off weight. - Sprinkling hot dried pepper on foods (even on pizza) will cause weight loss.

Yogic Cure for Obesity:
First Exercise:
You should do exercise as if you are grinding flour on a grinding stone. This is shown in images 1 and 2. First do the grinding clock-wise then anti-clockwise. Do each 20 times.
Second Exercise: This exercise you should have done in your childhood days in your physical training classes. Images 3, 4 and 5 show how to do this exercise. Do 20-30 times.
Third Exercise: You have to move your legs as if you are driving a cycle. First move the legs clockwise 10-20 times then anticlockwise 10-20 times. Refer to Image 6.
Fourth Exercise: Move your right leg in such a way that the movement of it's sole makes a big zero. Make the zero as big as possible. First move the leg clockwise 10-20 times. Then anti-clockwise 10-20 times. Refer to Image 7.
The person appearing in the photographs is Acharya Balkrishna.
Photographs are taken from the book 'Yog Sadhna evam Yog Chikitsa Rahasya'.
Do the above exercises and the pranayams given at the end only on empty stomach.
The following herbal preparations may also help you for obesity but not as much as the above yogasanas can.

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