Monday, September 13, 2010


To Rdeuce Obesity

Take your normal shower. After you're done, plug up the bathtub and fill it with 4 inches of cold water... really cold water. Now, all you do is walk in place (tread) in that cold water for 2-3 minutes. After that get out of the tub and dry yourself off. That's it.

What this cold water treading does is it creates an environment where you are tricking your body. Your body thinks this external stimuli will lower it's core temperature. It doesn't want that. So the body automatically decides to internally heat itself up.
This is great news since the body is more efficient at burning fat when it has a slightly elevated temperature. (Ever wonder why you lose weight during a fever... that's the reason.) The higher your internal core temperate is, the easier it is to burn off fat.
So if you can trick the body into slightly warming itself up by using cold water, you greatly improve your fat burning.

For the best results, I suggest you do this twice a day for 2-3 minutes each time. Once in the morning and once before you go to bed at night. You don't need to take the shower beforehand. That is only a suggestion to make the cold water treading practical.
One more tip before I go. An even better way to use cold water for weight loss is to take a cold shower. Since the water isn't limited to your feet and lower legs, you get a more aggressive reaction from the body. You can simply take your normal shower and then at the end you turn the water to very cold and let it run over your body for 15 seconds.
Trust me, 15 seconds is all you will need. You'll have a hard time breathing because it's such a shock to the body. But since most people can't handle a cold shower for even 15 seconds, the next best thing is cold water treading.

You'll notice a dramatic increase in your energy levels with cold showers and cold water treading. You should also notice some weight loss after 5-8 days. So take this weight loss "trick" and prove it to yourself.

Fennel helps detoxify and remove waste material from the body.

Fenugreek has many traditional uses, including nourishing the skin, respiratory system, and the pancreas. It helps the body to expel mucus and toxins. Fenugreek dissolves fat and is high in nutrients.

Senna assists in expelling waste from the intestines and kills worms.

Watermelon seeds
Watermelon seeds help the body eliminate excess water.

Peppermint calms the stomach, intestinal tract, and the nervous system. It comforts the stomach and nourishes the salivary glands to help with digestion. It has astringent properties and soothes the nervous system.

Anise seeds act to remove excess mucus in the gastrointestinal area.

Eat your biggest meal early in the day
The best policy regarding meals, if you are overweight, is to then take your biggest meal at noon. Supper should be light. Don't snack between the two meals.
If you can't seem to skip breakfast, take your main meal then, early in the day. Have a light lunch and a lighter supper; skip supper entirely if you can.

Drink hot water and honey

Whenever you become hungry, drink a cup of hot water with 1-teaspoon honey and 10 drops of limejuice added. This will be a good substitute for eating and will help to melt the fat.

Water, hot and cold-when and why?
Hydrotherapy can be carried out as per the need of the condition to relieve the symptoms and also hasten the recovery period. Hot applications are useful in relieving internal and deep congestions and cold applications are useful in reducing swelling and superficial congestions.
Hot applications on large areas are given to produce sweating prior to cold application in order to prevent chills. This is more so in cases of common cold.
Whenever cold applications are given to the abdomen, head etc. hot applications must be given simultaneously at a distant part like legs and feet.

Heating compress
The effect of heating compress is to give mild and moist heat to the body.
Procedure: Take a cotton cloth, dip in cold water and squeeze the water out of it. Wrap it around the site to be treated. Wrap a dry woollen cloth or flannel above the moist cloth in such a way that air does not circulate around the moist area. To ensure this the woollen wrap should preferably be broader than the cotton cloth. Both the compress and the flannel above it must be loose not to cause discomfort.

Heating compress can be left in place for hours together, even overnight. It will be dry when it is removed in the morning. After removing the compress rub that area with cold water or wet cloth and finally dry by rubbing vigorously with a dry towel.
Heating compress is useful in throat afflictions like laryngitis, pharyngitis, hoarseness, tonsillitis, and congested joints of ankle, Wrist and knees and in sluggish digestion.

Cold compress
Procedure: Take a thick cloth; say a hand-towel, of the required size according to the area of application. Dip it in ice-cold water and squeeze out the water to prevent dripping. Frequent changing of the compress is necessary before it gets warm. In order to make the compress last longer, a thicker compress will serve better. The compress must be pressed firmly in place.
Cold compress is useful in headaches, palpitation, fever etc. The site of application is temple, head, abdomen, heart and other inflamed areas.
Very cold applications are given with ice chips filled in a rubber bag with screw cap. If ice-bag is not available, woolen or flannel can be used instead. The pack must not drip. The area to be treated must be covered with a towel and the pack should be placed above it.
Ice cold applications are useful for sprained ankle, cooling inflamed areas, and acute stomachache as in appendicitis.

What is the six-glass wonder?
The process is as follows: Go to sleep three hours after a fairly early dinner around 7.00 p.m. Strictly do not eat or drink anything after that. Rise early from bed the next morning; do not wash your face and mouth as you do normally. Sit comfortably and drink six glasses of pure water at a stretch. If you find difficulty in doing so, pause a while after two or three glasses and continue. For the next 20 minutes walk briskly or do some exercise. Within twenty minutes to half an hour, urge to pass urine will be great and you will pass urine in large quantities quite frequently. Some may bring out the morbid waste through vomiting. Passing of stools will be easy and complete. It will facilitate the expulsion of the accumulated waste matter very effectively and leave you fresh.
This simple treatment of cleansing the internal organs has been recommended for a variety of disorders in some of Japan’s health organizations. In my own practice I have achieved good results in the treatment of obstinate constipation, obesity, asthma, piles, acne and pimples and almost all digestive disorders.

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